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Marijke Yserbijt Praktijkruimte.jpg
Marijke Yserbijt Praktijkruimte.jpg

As a coach and therapist (systemic practitioner) I guide young people and adults with various requests for help.  I guide both individuals and organizations in change processes.  Please feel free to contact me to discuss your challenges.  

From my background as a solution-oriented system therapist (Korzybski) and with specializations as a recognized stress and burnout coach and certified equicoach (guidance with the assistance of horses), we work on your question in a solution-oriented way.  Besides the guidance in my own practice in Sint-Lievens-Houtem, I work as a grief therapist in group practice Ringoir in St. Niklaas and as a Lector languages in the Highschool Karel de Grote in Antwerp.  

I provide guidance in Dutch, French and English.


+32 475 56 91 37



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